Wednesday, 30 January 2008


3x-protection, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Testing lighting set up for some product shots.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

La Tomatina

La Tomatina, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Another from the 'slammin kicks' series.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

More kicks

gazelle vin lavender 2

Another shot from the "slammin kicks" series. These are Adidas Gazelle "Flavours of the World" Lavender Edition from July 2007.

A test post from the road

Just wanting to see if I can blog from my iPod. Could come in handy
when travelling. If you're reading this then it must have worked.

Sent from my iPod

Kicking things off


Here's one of my latest shots in the "slammin kicks" personal project I'm working on. It's not too easy to find decent trainers here in Dubai so I'm thinking this is going to have to be more of a long term project. We'll see.