Sunday, 11 May 2008


graf, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

I shot this in 2006 at Southbank in London. I love the colours in it and the way the light is pouring through a hole in the roof.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


starbucks, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Love my coffee I do, can't drink enough of it!

Summer's here

Summer's here, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Foggy Dubai

Shot this pic last month when we had a lot of fog around. It was from the balcony of my old flat, looking out towards Sheik Zayed Road. I think the buildings are going to be part of the huge Business Bay development.

I just like the way that they appear out of the fog below them.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Empty Spaces

While I was doing the school shoot I snapped a few 'empty spaces' shots for myself. I really have a thing about spaces that should usually be filled with people or activity being totally empty. There are more shots over here on flickr but I thought I'd put a couple up here too.

swimming pool


Let me know what you think.

Radio silence

Well it's been a while since I last posted. The reason for this is my wife gave birth to our second son 3 days after the last post and it's been a bit hectic since then. Couple that with a house move and you get the general idea. Things have settled down now so I expect to have some new stuff to put up here soon.

I'm doing a couple of courses at Gulf Photo Plus at the moment. Here in Dubai you don't often get the chance to do a lot of training so when this comes around I snap it up. I've done a course with Seattle based photographer Chase Jarvis which was great and I'm in the middle of one with Strobist aka David Hobby. It's so inspiring spending time with these guys and picking up some great tips too.

I finished a job recently shooting pics at a couple of schools here for their prospectus. Once I get the printed sample through I'll snap some pics of it and post them up here.