Wednesday, 9 July 2008


kick, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Been hanging out with my brother and cousin who are also photographers. It's been great just mucking about taking pics of each other and figuring out some new techniques. We've been getting some funny looks from folk as we jump up and down like dafties but who cares, we're getting good results.

Going to do a shoot down at a trampoline centre soon. Can't wait for the results.

zen moment

zen moment, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Monday, 7 July 2008


barney-11, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Singer/Songwriter Barney Strachan playing at a poetry evening at The Meadows Bar in Edinburgh, organised by Anita Govan. More shots over on my Flickr page.

© 2008 Jerry Balloch


MKQ, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Back in Edinburgh catching up with friends and family. Shot this pic of Aki at the Mike Kearney Quartet gig at The Jazz Bar on Chambers St.

There are a few more pics on my Flickr page.

© 2008 Jerry Balloch