Sunday 24 February 2008


untitled-3, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Experiments with light painting.

Thursday 14 February 2008

Adidas Gazelle Skate

Adidas Gazelle Skate, originally uploaded by front room pictures.

Think this is my fave shot from the Gazelle Skate shoot. Used an old deck as the background. Again trainers bought from focus in Edinburgh.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Image issue

If you are reading this blog in a country where Flickr is blocked you're probably wondering where all the images are. I'm afraid that the images are linked from my Flickr account so there's not a lot I can do about it. I'm looking at hosting them myself, so they may appear for you soon.

Until then you can check out the front room pictures site which will show you some of the most recent work I've done.

Adidas Gazelle Skate

Adidas Gazelle Skate, originally uploaded by front room pictures.
Another "slammin' kicks" shot. Got these from focus in Edinburgh.